This was a very fun project. It was my final project for Object Oriented Programming in my first year of College. While it turned out pretty good, there were definitely some bumps along the way. I learned a lot, and I don't regret any of it.
This project, to me, was a great learning curb. I was a student who thought she could do it all. I started out coding this application using too many layers, too many fancy features. Turns out, 4 hours before it was due, my app no longer was working and I decided to scrap it all. Yes, I scrapped an app that I had been working on for 3 weeks, just 4 hours before it was due. Not my brightest hour.
For the next four hours, I would prove that anything is possible!
The biggest learning curb for me was to take it back a step, concentrate on the business rules, and work at them one at a time. I was so focused and so determined to get this running and presentable for my instructor. In the end, I DID IT! I was so proud of myself.
In all my future projects, I have taken this as a way to remind myself that complicated is not always better; that working on a project iteratively can not only speed up the process of building an app, but can also avoid bigger bugs along the way.
I no longer take my time for granted either. While I am proud that I was able to get this app up and running, I never want to feel that stressed again.